Committee | Agenda | Venue & Time |
CoGTA and Human Settlements Portfolio Committee | 1. Deliberations and adoption of the Committee draft 2nd Term Programme 2. Presentation by the Committee Researcher on the analysis of Budget Vote 7 2021/22 MTEF Allocation 3. Presentation by the Committee Researcher on the analysis of Budget Vote 8 2021/22 MTEF Allocation 4. Presentation by the Committee Researchers on the methodology of the identified FIS topic’s for both Vote 7 & 8. 5. Rapid Responses 6. Resolution Tracking | MS Teams @08h30 |
Community Safety Portfolio Committee | 1. Presentation and Adoption of Committee Term Programme 2. Presentation of FIS Topics 3. Resolutions | MS Teams @08h30 |
Education Portfolio Committee | 1. Deliberations and adoption of the Committee Draft Term Programme 2. Presentation from GDE on the following: • Progress report on Department’s response to COVID-19 and related matters • GDE APP for 2021/22 FY • GDE and GCRA plans for youth development for the 2021/22 FY • Report on Youth Brigades/Presidential Youth Employment Initiative • Update on Placement of Learners | MS Teams @09h00 |
Health Portfolio Committee | Updates by Gauteng Department of Health on: o COVID-19, Clinic Committees, Charlotte Maxeke POST fire incident o Upcoming Court Case on Life Esidimeni o Appointment of the HOD o Tembisa Hospital implementation of the recommendation by the Health Ombuds o Update on the absorption of CHWs. • Consideration and Adoption of Committee’s 2nd Term Programme • Presentation of the research analysis on the Budget Vote 4 of the Department for 2021/22 • Presentation and adoption of the Committee Stakeholder Engagement Concept Paper. | MS Teams @10h00 |
Social Development Portfolio Committee Oversight Visits | The Social Development Committee will conduct oversight visits to Social Integrated Facilities that are situated in Wintervelt and Ga-Rankuwa. The aim of the oversight visit is to check progress made in terms of the completion and whether they are currently operating. • Wintervelt: The construction of a centre with a Library, Early Childhood Development Centre and an Old Age Day Care Centre. • Ga-Rankuwa, Rearabilwe Child and Youth Care Centre: Construction of an Administration Office Block. | @10h00 |

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