GPL hosted the 2017 Senior Citizens Dialogue under the theme: “Following up on our commitment to the Gauteng Senior Citizens”.

The dialogue provided a platform to empower the elderly persons of Gauteng to directly engage with both the Gauteng Provincial Legislature and the Gauteng Provincial Government on various service delivery and social empowerment issues. Many of these Senior Citizens sacrificed their youth fighting racial oppression to shape a better future for the younger generation of today.

The Sector Parliament for Senior Citizens will target around 500 stakeholders from across the province. It will be an opportunity to embrace the Senior Citizen’s role in political, social, economic and cultural discourse of our society.

Topics discussed included:

  • Senior citizens under the active ageing program – how can senior citizens participate in the economy (e.g. opening of community stores, baking and gardening programs)
  • Specialised care for the frail and ailing elders – how do we assess the quality of health care and services
  • Implementation and management of advanced health care and improvement of safety standards as per the Older Persons Act, for elders who live alone
  • Review mechanism of the home-based care services – are NPO’s provided with sufficiently trained volunteers


From the event: